Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
FHIR-Powered Health Data Management Platform
True transformation in healthcare mandates clean, actionable data to drive better decisions and better outcomes. Health Chain transforms fragmented information into FHIR-powered gold: a single source of truth across the healthcare continuum.
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
Data Fragmentation is Hindering Healthcare
Payers, Providers and other healthcare stakeholders are struggling to manage scattered data from multiple sources and formats. This fragmented landscape that is full of siloed data limits visibility into the full view of member health, disrupts decision-making, and creates inefficiencies—all while trying to keep pace with the evolving expectations of both government and consumers.
Unified Data, Actionable Insights: Health Chain’s Approach
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
achieve your goals with purpose & strategy
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Health Chain Suite
One Platform, Two Powerful Data Products: Complete Interoperability for Seamless Healthcare Operations
Data Ingestion, Processing and FHIR Conversion
Centaur™ Data Platform: The Foundation for Clean, Comprehensive Healthcare Data
Centaur™ Data Platform ingests, validates, and standardizes all your healthcare data, creating a complete, usable longitudinal member record in the FHIR format. This process ensures that your data is always accurate and aligned with the FHIR Standard and CMS mandates, empowering downstream use cases.
Data Ingestion, Processing and FHIR Conversion
Centaur™ Data Platform: The Foundation for Clean, Comprehensive Healthcare Data
Centaur™ Data Platform ingests, validates, and standardizes all your healthcare data, creating a complete, usable longitudinal member record in the FHIR format. This process ensures that your data is always accurate and aligned with the FHIR Standard and CMS mandates, empowering downstream use cases.
Data Consumption
HDIG: Delivering Actionable Data Across Systems in Real-Time
HDIG (Health Data & Interoperability Gateway) ensures that your teams can access clean, standardized data in real-time across systems, workflows, and third-party applications. It powers seamless, FHIR-based data sharing, enabling more efficient decision-making and operational performance.
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John Deo – CEO ABCWorks
Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
Send your query or request a callback
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Call us for inquiry : Monday to Friday : 9 am – 5 pm
+1 (800) 555 555
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Passionate – Dedicated – Professional
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